11-27-2017, 04:32 AM
This post is specially for those who are looking for Job Switch. Will definitely benefit in interviews.
Get Huge Discount on Courses on Linux and Algorithms and Data Structures.
1. Linux
a. Linux OS in Embedded System and Linux Kernel Internals(1/2)
Overview of the structure of modern operating systems. Over the course of the subsequent units, we will discuss the history of modern computers, analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system (from processes to threads), and CPU scheduling, Synchronization and Deadlocks
b. Linux OS in Embedded System and Linux Kernel Internals(2/2)
Focus on UNIX-based operating systems, though we will also learn about alternative operating systems, including Windows. Over the course of the subsequent units, analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system, Memory management, Paging, Memory Management in Intel 80386, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, , Page Fault, Belady’s Anomaly, Stack Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing, File Concept, Directory Structure, File System, Mounting, File Sharing and Protection, Space Allocation Techniques, Disk Structure and Scheduling, Free Space Management.
2. Algorithms and Data Structures
a. Algorithms and Data Structures 1/4:Greedy,DFS,BFS,Tree,Heap
Introduction to Algorithms, Arrays, Search, Greedy Algorithm, Sort, Subset, Stack Data Structures, Memoization, backtracking, Dynamic Programming, Depth First Search (DFS), Divide and Conquer,Pattern matching,Queue,Breadth First Search(BFS),List,Insertion,Merge,Tree(Binary and Expression),Binary search Tree,Heap
b. Algorithms and Data Structures 2/4:Combinatorial,BT,MST,Prim
SW Problem Solving, Algorithm Complexity, Bit Operations, Number Bases, Floating Point Numbers, O(Big-Oh)-Notation, (Big-Omega)-Notation, (Theta)-Notation, Endianness, Exhaustive Search Method, Combinatorial Problem, Baby, Gin Problem, Brute-Force, Permutation, Lexicographic–Order, Johonson-Trotter, Combination, Minimum-exchange Requirement, Subset, Knapsack Problem and Fractional Knapsack Method, Greedy Algorithm and Application of Greedy, Approach, Recursive Algorithm Applying Greedy Method, Comparison of Greedy Method and Dynamic Programming, Representative Algorithms of Greedy Methods, Huffman coding, Change Reducing Problem, Meeting Room Scheduling, Divide and Conquer, Merge Sort, Quick sort, Hoare Partition, Lomuto Partition, Binary Search and Power Set,Backtracking, Maze Finding, State Space Tree, 8-Queens Problem, Subset, Power Set, Permutation, Graphs, Search, Disjoint Sets, Expression of Linked List, Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim Algorithm, Kruskal Algorithm, Shortest, Path, Dijkstra Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm and Floyd-Warshall Algorithm.
c. Algorithms and Data Structures 3/4:DP,Hashing,Trie,Suffix Tree
Hashing,Collision,Pattern Matching,Brute Force,Karp–Rabin,KMP(Knuth-Morris-Pratt),Boyer-Moore,Trie,Compressed Trie,Suffix Tree,Suffix Array,Compression,LCP Array,Run-Length Encoding,Huffman Coding,Lampel-Ziv-Welch Encoding,Arithmetic Coding,Dynamic Programming,Fibonacci Number,Mathematical Induction,Pigeon Hole Principle,Memoization,Binomial Theorem,Pascal's Triangle,Knapsack Problem,Search of State Space Tree,Branch and Bound, Pruning (Backtracking),Best-First Search
d. Algorithms and Data Structures 4/4:DP,NPComplete,Hard,Coloring
Dynamic Programming,Longest Increasing Sequence,All Pairs Shortest Path,Weighted directed graph,Floyd-Warshall Algorithm,Traveling Salesman Problem,NP-Complete,Deterministic, Nondeterministic,Polynomial Time Conversion,NP-Hard,SAT,Boolean Expression,Partition,Vertex Cover,Independence Set,Clique,Graph Coloring,Set Cover,Longest Path,Hamiltonian Cycle,Bin Packing,Job Sheduling,Approximation Algorithm,Job Scheduling,Simulated Annealing,Graph of Search Process,Number Theory and Optimization,Probability,GCD,Euclid Algorithm,LCM,Modulo Operation
If you ever have any question on these subjects, please ping me.
Get Huge Discount on Courses on Linux and Algorithms and Data Structures.
1. Linux
a. Linux OS in Embedded System and Linux Kernel Internals(1/2)
Overview of the structure of modern operating systems. Over the course of the subsequent units, we will discuss the history of modern computers, analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system (from processes to threads), and CPU scheduling, Synchronization and Deadlocks
b. Linux OS in Embedded System and Linux Kernel Internals(2/2)
Focus on UNIX-based operating systems, though we will also learn about alternative operating systems, including Windows. Over the course of the subsequent units, analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system, Memory management, Paging, Memory Management in Intel 80386, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, , Page Fault, Belady’s Anomaly, Stack Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing, File Concept, Directory Structure, File System, Mounting, File Sharing and Protection, Space Allocation Techniques, Disk Structure and Scheduling, Free Space Management.
2. Algorithms and Data Structures
a. Algorithms and Data Structures 1/4:Greedy,DFS,BFS,Tree,Heap
Introduction to Algorithms, Arrays, Search, Greedy Algorithm, Sort, Subset, Stack Data Structures, Memoization, backtracking, Dynamic Programming, Depth First Search (DFS), Divide and Conquer,Pattern matching,Queue,Breadth First Search(BFS),List,Insertion,Merge,Tree(Binary and Expression),Binary search Tree,Heap
b. Algorithms and Data Structures 2/4:Combinatorial,BT,MST,Prim
SW Problem Solving, Algorithm Complexity, Bit Operations, Number Bases, Floating Point Numbers, O(Big-Oh)-Notation, (Big-Omega)-Notation, (Theta)-Notation, Endianness, Exhaustive Search Method, Combinatorial Problem, Baby, Gin Problem, Brute-Force, Permutation, Lexicographic–Order, Johonson-Trotter, Combination, Minimum-exchange Requirement, Subset, Knapsack Problem and Fractional Knapsack Method, Greedy Algorithm and Application of Greedy, Approach, Recursive Algorithm Applying Greedy Method, Comparison of Greedy Method and Dynamic Programming, Representative Algorithms of Greedy Methods, Huffman coding, Change Reducing Problem, Meeting Room Scheduling, Divide and Conquer, Merge Sort, Quick sort, Hoare Partition, Lomuto Partition, Binary Search and Power Set,Backtracking, Maze Finding, State Space Tree, 8-Queens Problem, Subset, Power Set, Permutation, Graphs, Search, Disjoint Sets, Expression of Linked List, Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim Algorithm, Kruskal Algorithm, Shortest, Path, Dijkstra Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm and Floyd-Warshall Algorithm.
c. Algorithms and Data Structures 3/4:DP,Hashing,Trie,Suffix Tree
Hashing,Collision,Pattern Matching,Brute Force,Karp–Rabin,KMP(Knuth-Morris-Pratt),Boyer-Moore,Trie,Compressed Trie,Suffix Tree,Suffix Array,Compression,LCP Array,Run-Length Encoding,Huffman Coding,Lampel-Ziv-Welch Encoding,Arithmetic Coding,Dynamic Programming,Fibonacci Number,Mathematical Induction,Pigeon Hole Principle,Memoization,Binomial Theorem,Pascal's Triangle,Knapsack Problem,Search of State Space Tree,Branch and Bound, Pruning (Backtracking),Best-First Search
d. Algorithms and Data Structures 4/4:DP,NPComplete,Hard,Coloring
Dynamic Programming,Longest Increasing Sequence,All Pairs Shortest Path,Weighted directed graph,Floyd-Warshall Algorithm,Traveling Salesman Problem,NP-Complete,Deterministic, Nondeterministic,Polynomial Time Conversion,NP-Hard,SAT,Boolean Expression,Partition,Vertex Cover,Independence Set,Clique,Graph Coloring,Set Cover,Longest Path,Hamiltonian Cycle,Bin Packing,Job Sheduling,Approximation Algorithm,Job Scheduling,Simulated Annealing,Graph of Search Process,Number Theory and Optimization,Probability,GCD,Euclid Algorithm,LCM,Modulo Operation
If you ever have any question on these subjects, please ping me.