11-20-2017, 10:02 AM
Gary R. McClain - Eve Adamson - The Complete Idiots Guide to Zen Living.pdf
Presenting innovative ideas on incorporating Zen thinking and action into even the most Western lifestyle, this book focuses on living Zen in a post-9/11 world. It also offers updated information on meditation and its many benefits and new exercises for families to promote Zen living at home, as well as new exercises to help readers combat their dissatisfaction with life and unfulfilled desires.
• Revised to focus on living Zen in an increasingly complex and panicked world
• New anecdotes that translate Zen philosophy into the “here and now”
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Presenting innovative ideas on incorporating Zen thinking and action into even the most Western lifestyle, this book focuses on living Zen in a post-9/11 world. It also offers updated information on meditation and its many benefits and new exercises for families to promote Zen living at home, as well as new exercises to help readers combat their dissatisfaction with life and unfulfilled desires.
• Revised to focus on living Zen in an increasingly complex and panicked world
• New anecdotes that translate Zen philosophy into the “here and now”
Magic Button :
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