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Full Version: [GET] Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Weird Inventions
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The writers behind Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader present this totally true treasury of amazing gizmos--devilish devices you never knew existed, created by people who thought the world absolutely needed what they had to offer and sell.

Read all about:
- The onesie that turns your crawling baby into a mop
- The fart-stifling blanket
- The square watermelon
- The video game you control with your mind
- The weight loss device that sucks food out of your stomach

lol, this looks like it's going to be loads of fun. I wonder if any of those strange Japanese "beauty inventions" are included.

PDF Version:
This sounds like this good be a hilarious read. thanks for the share.
I was just wondering the other day if StillStanding was gonna share an Uncle John's mag, and whoop! there it is!-)
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Thanks Nice Thread Happydance
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