I thought that's what the Internet was supposed to be/do.
Repped ya!
Thank you for sharing. Perhaps I should try this out on my dog... on second thoughts, that might be a bad idea. Repped.
You have a ton of awesome shares Nancy!
This one looks extra creepy!
Thank you very much:)
lol I thought it looked very interesting but creepy, as you said.
Thanks for your really terrific share Nancy857 !!!
But...486 pages ?!?
Yeow !!!
Glad I found an easier way to see through the illusions:
- Ditched all live TV...
- Ditched all radio listening...
- Ditched all forms of actively promoted 'news'...
- Learned stress management...
- Detoxification !!
Mind you I've nothing against reading in general or even reading long books, BUT:
My focus nowadays is aimed at staying sane enough to get some $$ flowing in whilst keeping up with all my other responsibilities as well as possible - so any curiosity I may have for such a lengthy expose' must wait 'till some other time.
Look like an interesting read.........