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What Exactly Is It?

CPA Profit Deals Is A Unique Strategy I Developed Alongside Complete CPA Domination. I Knew That Beginners Would Be Happy Making A Few Hundred Dollars A Day, And For Most People - That's Fine.

But I Know You're Not Most People.
You're The Kind Of Person That Wants To Rev The Advertising Engine... To Push To Its Limits And Start Cashing In $1000+ Days Just Like This:

[Image: 1.png]

[Image: 2.png]
So What Makes CPA Profit Deals Different?
The Secret To Its Success Lies In Being Not Just A CPA Marketer, But Being A CPA Broker...

In Other Words, You'll Be The "Middle-man" Between CPA Traffic Buyers And Sellers, Siphoning Waves Of Traffic From Hugely Popular Websites And Using Their Hard-earned Visitors To Rake In Heaps Of Money.

It's The Next Best Thing To "Stealing" Traffic! And Because The Webmasters Will Love All The Extra Money They're Earning, They'll Be More Than Happy To Share It With You!

You'll Be Getting A Percentage Of That Money, And When You're Dealing With Massively Popular, Bandwidth-exploding Sites, You Know That Even A Small Percentage Ends Up Being A Huge Amount Of Cash.

Those Are Serious Numbers That Neither You, Nor Your Bank Account, Can Afford To Ignore!


Thank you for this share ѕ¢σяρισ. +5 rep given
Thanks scorpio!
It's a quick read and the author suggests that instead of going to websites like or you will directly be going to high trafficked websites and contact the website owners to have your banner placed on their site.

He suggests forums (keyword +forums) to go to. They usually have a lot of traffic and not many marketers are taking advantage of it.

All in all, nothing new or spectacular but for people who are seaching for some cheaper traffic alternatives, definitely worth a try!
Thanks ѕ¢σяρισ,

add +rep
Thanks ѕ¢σяρισ for share. +Reps!

16 page pdf


Getting Accepted
Picking An Offer
Getting The Traffic

Rehash to getting accepted to network. Apply then contact directly but this does work. Gives you an example script.

For newbies, I do not recommend saying you'll promote offline. Just don't! Get a simple site up and running with some content relevant to your interest in CPA; Legal, supplements, mortgage, weight loss, pets, whatever. Keep it fairly broad and then you can focus down later after acceptance. Think simple in the beginning cause you'll fine tune it with whatever offers chosen to promote. .

PDF recommends WF for information regarding CPA. Whatever network you're interested in use their tutorials and/or g00gle to begin learning. It ain't rocket science. Learn enough to get started and then by doing is the best.

They recommend talking to you network manager, it's good to build a relationship. Don't waste their time asking promotion traffic type questions or setting up landers. That's your responsibility. Talk about the higher conversion rate offers as mentioned in pdf. Use them as your inside sourcing manager (which they can be. Just be cool) and sometimes they'll contact you to run new offers. If ya get any good with this!

The traffic source depends on sourcing naive unfamiliar forum owners for banner ad space. Unfortunately that isn't the case nowadays. You go try and find some uninformed highly successful forum owner that isn't hip to their own site metrics and pricing models concerning ad space.

Your better off having your own site. Everything integrated looking seamless, inviting and helpful. Not about in your face style advertising BUT done right, it's so integrated IT IS IN YOUR FACE.

Go for it and create a site 100% CPA monetized. Keep your visitors onsite longer by assimilating them with relevant, helpful information totally integrated with CPA. Boom - click - convert... Fine tune, fine tune, fine tune.

Tons of material online and in this forum regarding free traffic for broke newbies.

Read up on this stuff as it isn't complex.
Thanks ѕ¢σяρισ,

add +rep
Thanks scorpio!
The idea is known, renting AD space in CPA Niche forums.

For me, the best stuff from this share is the 30 LANDING PAGE TEMPLATES included in the BONUSES Section.

Thank you. Rep.
Pages: 1 2
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