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Full Version: [GET] MS Windows ONLY - Panoramic Image Stitcher AND Cliplet Maker
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Was doing some research and came across these 2 FREE programs offered by Microsoft.

#1 - Image Composite Editor (ICE)

Image Composite Editor (ICE) is an advanced panoramic image stitcher. Given a set of overlapping photographs of a scene shot from a single camera location, the app creates a seamless high-resolution panorama. ICE can also create a panorama from a panning video, including stop-motion action overlaid on the background.

#2 - Microsoft Research Cliplets

This one converts those short videos you have seen that freeze everything except one part of the video. Like a girl standing still and her hair blowing in the wind, etc.

Both of these come in 32bit and 64bit versions.

No signup just go get them.

Go to this page:

Then scroll down to the tab section and click on the Downloads Tab.

You can then pick the versions you want.

Reps are always appreciated.



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