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Full Version: [GET] The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage
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[Image: 51Ec1IuHk1L._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

A proven program to reverse and prevent aging that will be a must-have for all “baby boomers,” by a leading figure in the medical field and a frequent guest on national TV.

This could be as close to a fountain of youth as mankind will ever come, the truly scientific answer to how to reverse or prevent the debilitating effects of aging, including memory loss, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Eric Braverman, a leading figure in the practice of brain-body health care, reveals the dramatic impact that proper brain nourishment can have on the quality of our lives. His key to longevity and well-being is balancing the brain’s four important neurotransmitters. A simple test determines which of the four is dominant in you, and what you can do to maintain the right balance, by modifying your diet with both foods and natural supplements. Proven effective for thousands of patients in Dr. Braverman’s practice, this groundbreaking approach will help anyone make the most of his or her life, free of the major illnesses (such as cancer and heart disease) and minor ailments as well.

thanks for this "anti-aging" share, looks very interesting
I had this book, then someone "borrowed it permantely". Now I have my own copy!
Awesome share SS!Thanks
thank you StillStanding, this is a fantastic share
oops, DL link dead :(
I guess I come too late!

StillStanding, would you be kind enough to re-upload it? I'm interested in the ePub format, if possible.
Thanks :)
(02-07-2018 03:39 PM)SubZero Wrote: [ -> ]oops, DL link dead :(
I guess I come too late!

StillStanding, would you be kind enough to re-upload it? I'm interested in the ePub format, if possible.
Thanks :)

here you go

OMG, that was quick!

Thanks a lot mate :)
+REP added!
Awesome share StillStanding AND thanks for posting a new link. Reps given.
Pages: 1 2
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