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Allergies complicate the lives of those who suffer from them and pose a difficult challenge for contemporary medicine. Environmental factors, stress, a bad diet, or a sedentary life can be the triggers.

An allergy is a disproportionate reaction by the immune system to outside substances that are normally innocuous, such as pollen, dust mites, animal hair, or certain foods or medicines. Natural Treatment of Allergies explains why allergies attack and how to reestablish equilibrium.

This book is helpful to those who suffer from asthma, hay fever, dermatitis, or dietary intolerance as a result of strong allergies. It presents the most effective natural therapies that lead to recovery. It also includes:

• The most reliable tests to determine allergies.
• Related illnesses: how to prevent and cure them.
• Food that produces allergies.
• Conventional treatments and their risks.
• Alternative therapies: naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, and yoga.

nice share, thanks StillStanding
With your almost limitless amount of health shares, do you realize how much money you must be costing Big Pharma? You should be ashamed of yourself.-)
reup request

How did I miss this the first time you shared it? Thanks for the updated link
thank you for the share , reps added
re-up request

great share and re-up
thank you StillStanding
Pages: 1 2
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