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(11-24-2017 11:08 PM)adhy09 Wrote: [ -> ]MD5 is a unique identifier to a file (the video in this case). Therefore, Youtube DO scan for MD5 on new uploads. Changing the MD5 is easy, just open i.e. Windows Movie Maker and change the length just a few seconds of the video. This will change the MD5 since it's not identified as the same video, simply because it isn't the same video anymore.

So Yes, youtube scans for MD5

Changing the md5 works..

*Only for videos which are not, trailers, tv commercials, Official Songs etc(you get the idea)

For all other videos it works, so if you are thinking about ripping a PPD/Aff/etc video and uploading it, it WILL work...

This is such a clever way to upload videos without spinning because spinning adds more issues to the original video. I wasn't too sure about the working of this software earlier but your idea made me think otherwise.
Thanks Buddy..Reps to you
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