Found here (I know nothing about its writer):
Quote:Don't Design Your Emails
Jun 28, 2016
I used to dread setting up email automation and email campaigns.
Why? Because before a single sales or marketing email could be sent, it needed a design.
In my attempt to sidestep this time-consuming process, I learned that plain emails not only save time but work better.
Why Design is a Barrier to Emails
If interested - there's more at the page linked above.
Enjoy ?!?
I agree with the article and have long abandoned designed emails.
I've always believed they were less effective than plain emails. In the same way more plain looking websites often convert better than "stunning" wordpress websites.

for replying !!
Always great to hear from other members here.
(10-26-2017 11:26 AM)onholidaynow Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with the article and have long abandoned designed emails.
I've always believed they were less effective than plain emails. In the same way more plain looking websites often convert better than "stunning" wordpress websites.

Repped you because at least you sound like you really know what you are talking about.
Been doing it the simple way for over 45 years and simple is the best!
12days just saying

Email itself came about as a pure-text medium for quick comunications during the DOS-only era of the internet.
Only much later was it changed to allow all the fancier stuff.
To this day - using text only emails is still a very functional security measure, especially as most badware transmissions depend upon added coding and/or attachments.
My surprise in reading the article linked in my OP was that marketers have started coming around to finding that such a simpler way of doing things actually is an improvement - and IMO that is very cool.
(10-27-2017 11:09 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Email itself came about as a pure-text medium for quick comunications during the DOS-only era of the internet.
Only much later was it changed to allow all the fancier stuff.
To this day - using text only emails is still a very functional security measure, especially as most badware transmissions depend upon added coding and/or attachments.
My surprise in reading the article linked in my OP was that marketers have started coming around to finding that such a simpler way of doing things actually is an improvement - and IMO that is very cool.
Yes, it is very cool that some marketers are beginning to realise this.
I think if more marketers ran such tests as those discussed in the article, they would find that the closer they moved to simplicity, the more effective their messaging would be.
Nice share.......and i'm a lazy B****** anyway lol