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This book is a short condensed version of the large book; ‘Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method’. Book is written by Clark Night, Bates Method-Natural Eyesight Improvement teacher. I have kept my eyesight clear since my teen years to present age of 57. The practices in this book produce relaxation, normal, natural, healthy eye function. The large book contains in debth study of Natural Eyesight Improvement, is included with the paperback with 20 e-books by internet download. Includes Ophthalmologist William H. Bates ‘Better Eyesight Magazine’ collection teaching his many different natural treatments for clear eyesight, healthy eyes.

Dr. Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, cured his own eyesight, then other doctors and patients eyesight using natural treatments, without eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. Treatments for; Clear Distant, Close and Reading Eyesight, Astigmatism, Cataract, Glaucoma, Crossed, Wandering Eyes, Conical Cornea and other conditions. Hidden from the public by Opticians, Eye Doctors, Eye Surgeons for over 100 years because it works, is safe and people can do It ‘On Their own’ with basic training. Many children, cured of defective eyesight by Dr. Bates, then on to cure their friends, parents, teachers eyesight.

After a neck injury caused by a chiropractor in 2009; my eyes developed double, triple vision, strabismus, dark and white-out hazy vision, astigmatism and low clarity. Natural Eyesight Improvement, Physical Therapy brought the eyes-vision back to normal function clear eyesight.


thanks for the share, max reps
Nancy857, thank you for yet again another valuable share. Repped.
Great share by Nancy857 thank you and +reps...
Rep added.....
Thanks for the nice share...
I have to personally go through this material as I have prescription glasses.
Thank you NANCY for your awesome posts every now and then.
Thank you Nancy! +MAX REPS for your efforts:)
Brilliant share Nancy857! woohoo!!!
Pages: 1 2
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