please provide me the link.
I would appreciate this as well.
I have this I think, by James Jason, if anyone wants to distribute the links let me know, getting it ready now.
(07-03-2018 05:27 PM)badcoffee Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, this is an excellent course !. It really covers the nuts and bolts of setting up a lead generation system for BOTH facebook and adwords. He tells you how to set up a lead gen landing page, a callfire phone tracking system, and a SMS text messaging service for instant notification of incoming leads. It is just a super set of informative videos...all you need to get into any lead gen business, including the mortgage home loan bus. Highly recommended...!!!
badcoffee, thanks for the review. +5 reps for you.
Please shoot me the link if you have it! Thanks
if this is available i would like the links also please