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Make your own account :

"Every week while you're enrolled, you'll get access to that week's Lesson Modules plus any additional materials needed. And you'll always have access to any previous week's content as well."

9 Steps that you have to do :

1. Right click -> Inspect or "Ctrl+Shift+I"
2. Ctrl+F and type : register-form
3. Delete : style="display: none;"
4. Close (x)
5. Voila! Now you can make your own account!
6. Download the course
7. Make a mirror
8. Send me some love ;)
9. Enjoy!

Worked like a charm. Repped!
If someone can make a mirror as I'm having issues doing the above with the deleting of the style=display;none; step as i can't find it on my laptop when i follow the steps above for some reason.
(10-21-2017 12:26 PM)dltbenson Wrote: [ -> ]If someone can make a mirror as I'm having issues doing the above with the deleting of the style=display;none; step as i can't find it on my laptop when i follow the steps above for some reason.

Okay, I made an account for you and for the rest of the members. Login with link above.
Email :
use our usual password
OMG! What a technique. Tried and worked like charm.
REP's added.
(10-21-2017 01:02 PM)Novelist Wrote: [ -> ]OMG! What a technique. Tried and worked like charm.
REP's added.

Yup. You learn much more interesting stuffs in BBHF than in highschool Wink
cutepanda, you are a genius , the method worked ! thank you so much....+5 rep's added... :)
thanks... it works! rep added
no longer working...?
(10-21-2017 02:32 PM)ShinyCarrot Wrote: [ -> ]no longer working...?

Look at post #4
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