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A few weeks ago someone asked what the phrase Whiskers and Cheese meant on how it related to business.

There is a book of that title but this is essentially what it means.

Why ‘Whiskers and Cheese?”

First, before we begin, I want to mention that the term ‘Cheese and Whiskers’ marketing comes from a marketer named Dean Jackson which he only reveals to his 25k coaching clients. I’ve taken these basic methods and applied them to landing local video clients in which you can see your services or sell your actual videos.

The reason this is called the ‘Cheese and Whiskers’ method is due to how most marketers present themselves.

Marketers present themselves to potential clients as a cat or ‘the whiskers’ or cheese (which mice like). The clients, in this case, are the mice. We know mice hate cats and will run away if they see whiskers, but will chew through a 3ft rope to get to the cheese.

Most marketers, especially those trying to sell offline marketing present themselves as ‘whiskers’ because they aren’t focused on delivering something that the business really needs. They are trying to deliver things they THINK the business needs. Examples include, graphic design, SEO services, website redesign, and the list goes on.

I hope this helps.

Dean Jackson is probably the smartest living marketer alive. Perry Belcher once said if he had to name the top 5 smartest marketers alive on one hand Dean Jackson would be on 4 of those 5 fingers.
I agree Dean Jackson the smartest marketing guy

Any one having his best training?

I'm willing to participate in a GB for this
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