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Full Version: [GET] Bradley Brenn3r ~ Keyword Research Training and Case Studies
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Hello One and All,

I ran a lengthy search for any of these vids and found nothing.

In SEO Battleplan by Semantic Mastery, Bradley mentions in the main video, some other videos for keyword research, that even from 2015, he still uses this system today. That's why I'm posting this.

Link for SEO Battleplan =>

Remember That These videos are supplemental to SEO Battleplan for Keyword Research section.

I opted-in a dummie email and got sent the link.

NOW they ARE from 2015 and he does promote/suggest two tools "Power Suggest Pro and Rank Spy". Guess what? YOU DON"T NEED THEM!

He uses Local Keyword Research as the example but the technique is useful across the board. G00gle trends, G-keyword planner, G-suggest scraper (ubersuggest).

Nothing earth-shattering here but overall good techniques, nice refresher - (ESPECIALLY how to stay organized). Most of the videos are of short duration so it's a quick study. If it helps even one of ya... then I've done a good deed for the day.

This plus SEO Battleplan can up your game if applied correctly. Sometimes it's necessary to watch various, multiple lectures covering the same topic until we get that aha moment.


Here is part of the email I got with the link from Bradley:

"Knowing how to do keyword research properly will help you to find keyword phrases that you can rank for with little to no competition.

So congrats for being smart and opting in for this training :)

This will help to begin generating traffic sooner, which means you can generate revenue sooner, too!

As promised, you can find the full video series for keyword research training and bonus case studies here.

I think you're going to learn some great strategies that will help your SEO campaigns be more successful."

Here is the link to the Main Vids and Case Studies page. You can watch the vides there if you want.

AIO Link - I downloaded all the vids and case studies here just in case you prefer:

Addition to Original OP -- Bradley said he'd send some additional emails and this one is about G-Trends tool. Brief, 2 the point, useful.


I wanted to send you a short message and introduction for each video in the keyword research training series.

Sometimes it's better to learn things in "bite-sized" pieces instead of trying to do it all at once.

So in this short lesson I wanted to tell you about Google Trends. This free tool is a great starting point for any keyword research campaign.

There are two sets of data that Trends returns that are unlike anything the other tools do:

1-Search interest based by location
2-Rising search interest

Search interest based on location is great data to have since you can know exactly what types of keywords to target based on the area(s) you'll be marketing to.

For example, there are countless instances when the same thing can be described by more than one keyword. Here are some of those variations:

"personal injury attorney" or "accident lawyer"

Now by using Trends, you can see that those two terms, although describing the same thing, are searched for differently depending on the location of the searcher.

If setting Trends up to only show U.S. search data, you can see that both variations have the highest level of search interest in Nevada, but there are significant differences in the states for the second highest level.

The top 3 states for "personal injury attorney" are:


However, the top 3 states for "accident lawyer" are:

New Mexico

Knowing this type of info can help you to insure that you're targeting the right keywords for the right geographic location.

The other important data that Trends will reveal are the Rising terms. In the Related Searches section, you can click on the Rising tab to see keyword terms that have had a significant increase in search interest in a short period of time.

This is extremely useful to know since you can often find keywords that are trending upwards (hence the tool's name) and begin optimizing for those terms before everyone else does.

To see a full demo of how the Google Trends tool works,

=======> Check out video number 3 in the training series

I hope you enjoyed this explanation of this powerful tool.

In the next email I send you, we will dive into the Google Keyword Planner a little further.

Talk soon.

Thank you Razmataz13! +5 rep given
Reps given LOVE the mega link. Thanks much!
Big Thanks.....Rep added....
Many Thanks Razmataz13 , Rep added
Thank you for the share Razmataz13 + rep!
Thank you very much Ratzmataz13 !

Your Mega Videoscribe is gone ... I have just seen.
I have a new PC HDD the old is gone....
You said there: do not make mirror....
So if you still have it, please send me the new link - and thank you VERY MUCH!!!
(if you have... please also for Mac) Thank you
repped for the effort....
Thank you for the share. Max rep added
(10-18-2017 12:26 PM)berlinerin Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you very much Ratzmataz13 !

Your Mega Videoscribe is gone ... I have just seen.
I have a new PC HDD the old is gone....
You said there: do not make mirror....
So if you still have it, please send me the new link - and thank you VERY MUCH!!!
(if you have... please also for Mac) Thank you

... Berlinerin, I am not BBHF member ratzazz.

I'm RAZ - No t before the z.

I believe you're talking about "Sparkol VideoScribe Pro v3.0.2-4 Pro".
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