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No matter what you're writing--fiction or nonfiction, books for adults or children--securing a literary agent will help you get the best book deal possible from a traditional publisher. With listing information for more than 1,000 agents who represent writers and their books, Guide to Literary Agents 2018 will be your go-to resource.

This updated edition of GLA includes:

A one-year subscription to the literary agent content on
"New Agent Spotlights": Discover targeted profiles of literary agents who are actively building their client lists right now.
Informative articles on crafting the perfect first page, attending conferences, establishing a healthy critique group, and more.
A brand-new special genre section on science fiction and fantasy, plus online content for whatever genre you're writing.

+ Includes exclusive access to the webinar "How to Land a Literary Agent" by agents Danielle Burby and Joanna MacKenzie of Nelson Literary Agency.

Thanks for this valuable share SS.
Thanks Also. Reps Given.
Thank you bro. Awesome, useful share.
...good to have. just in case....

reps added. thanks much.

@StillStanding: Thank you so much for this! MAX REPS added!

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