10-11-2017, 12:36 PM
10-11-2017, 12:46 PM
Excellent share, thank you, i_Love_Knowledge (me too!)
Will return to rep or completely forget, I suppose
Will return to rep or completely forget, I suppose
10-11-2017, 12:50 PM
Thanks mopuss
10-11-2017, 12:56 PM
Thanks. Mind you, I just watched the preview vid and there's a whole 3.5 min video on Curly Braces and another on the Semicolon!!! Might be too basic for the human race :-D
10-11-2017, 01:18 PM
I saw that too. My take on it is that some people have VERY sloppy coding, and he's trying to teach how to use them correctly. It does look like (at least so far) that it gives you a solid foundation that you can build on. There is a bit of exaggeration, which really catches some peoples attention.. I hope people really expect that they're going to go from complete newbie to professional programmer in under 24 hours; much less anything else.
10-11-2017, 01:40 PM
Yes, I know what you mean... give him the benefit of the doubt! For now though, I will file it until I actually buy an Arduino!!