10-08-2017, 01:33 PM
4 those that are seeking... here are some of the approaches that you can do that.
WHAT I MUST EXPRESS AND SAY HERE 1ST! In the lines below... You are able to See a few approaches to the same thing. And the EXPRESS was intentional in a way... that every single person or soul... walks this path... and my putting out of their paths is not in a way to Follow Them.... Do What They Did. IF YOU TRY TO COPY.... YOU BECOME THE COPY.... and Copy is One More Step Away From You. Any Ways this is info that is public and available. From my point of view... I use 2 be into a lot of spiritual stuff... This is the difference if you're in it... or... you Realize That You're It... or Every Thing Else also :) But any ways. Maybe one or 2 people here will understand this. So this is....
1st... what is there 2 strive for.
Back in the day... when I saw this video... my hairs on my body went straight up just listening what this chick had 2 say.
2. I lurned there is a much much eazyer way (then with meditation etc... oruncuditional love and shit like that) to Seek and Find Your Self. The guy who showed me this way 4 free no charge... he just wanted me 2 be.... Like I hope that you will Be and Become 2 was...
https://www.youtube.com/user/jonathanlives/playlists what I respect bout Adampants Is his way of giving it out... Like in way this is what I am this is what I can give you... and Thats IT. I dont want your money or shit... I just choose 4 you to take this in. If you Choose that 4 Yoursef.
Adampants lectures are good for the docs and more "educated" people and their mind conditioning. I must say here that He woke me up... and I'm not one of them :)
3rd approach is from spiritual perspective... 4 those that like and love to meditate a loot etc things like that. Its explained from their perspective how some one or some thing can use or is using your mind.
4rd perspective how to become is from Sports field. A movie like peaceful warrior is the best expression of... it is Best to do what You Love... even if Any and Every One tells you that You Dream... wont Work.
5th and Beond Is Up 2 You! I would be Very Happy if any One can Contribute or help to grow another perspective or approach to the same thing.... You, Yourself, God, Love, Truth... all are the same and mean one thing.
I also have 2 point out here that... There are Infinite Ways to the Truth-yourself-god.. I just pointed out 3 of them. And its pointless 2 fight wich one is better. All of them just are and that it
Things that are mentioned here... cannot be read and cannot be learned. The way to self is a way... where you have 2 face and recognize your lies and see them for what they are... and as you choose to hold on to them... when you see them for what they are... You Just let Go
Those lies to yourself are those that are the hardest to let go and get back... a part of you that went away with the lie when you sterted your believe that a lie is true... Those are the hardest. But when they are done... or you let them go... ther's nothing holding you back any more :) and thats Liberating Much Much More... than any thing or even any drug that you tryed in your life.
So this one may not be right for this forum... but still It is Here 4 Every One 2 See It... in Full Glory.
Much Love. EQ
I forgot 2 say... that 4 most people on this world it is sad... that they wake up in the morning and they think that they are awake... or its sad that some one reseaches the freemasons or illuminati online... and sees maybe 1% of their plan or even what they are or what they are doing... and by lurning that 2 repead like a parrot to every one else... the consider them selfs of Being Awake or even Aware.
To think that you are... Strong, Weak, Big or Small... it is just a thought... that got cought in you... and since your identification of your self your truth or believes is in the mind it manifest there as such.. and it can make you think that you are some thing... but thats just a thought... truth does not think... Truth Just Simply Is.
WHAT I MUST EXPRESS AND SAY HERE 1ST! In the lines below... You are able to See a few approaches to the same thing. And the EXPRESS was intentional in a way... that every single person or soul... walks this path... and my putting out of their paths is not in a way to Follow Them.... Do What They Did. IF YOU TRY TO COPY.... YOU BECOME THE COPY.... and Copy is One More Step Away From You. Any Ways this is info that is public and available. From my point of view... I use 2 be into a lot of spiritual stuff... This is the difference if you're in it... or... you Realize That You're It... or Every Thing Else also :) But any ways. Maybe one or 2 people here will understand this. So this is....
1st... what is there 2 strive for.
Back in the day... when I saw this video... my hairs on my body went straight up just listening what this chick had 2 say.
2. I lurned there is a much much eazyer way (then with meditation etc... oruncuditional love and shit like that) to Seek and Find Your Self. The guy who showed me this way 4 free no charge... he just wanted me 2 be.... Like I hope that you will Be and Become 2 was...
https://www.youtube.com/user/jonathanlives/playlists what I respect bout Adampants Is his way of giving it out... Like in way this is what I am this is what I can give you... and Thats IT. I dont want your money or shit... I just choose 4 you to take this in. If you Choose that 4 Yoursef.
Adampants lectures are good for the docs and more "educated" people and their mind conditioning. I must say here that He woke me up... and I'm not one of them :)
3rd approach is from spiritual perspective... 4 those that like and love to meditate a loot etc things like that. Its explained from their perspective how some one or some thing can use or is using your mind.
4rd perspective how to become is from Sports field. A movie like peaceful warrior is the best expression of... it is Best to do what You Love... even if Any and Every One tells you that You Dream... wont Work.
5th and Beond Is Up 2 You! I would be Very Happy if any One can Contribute or help to grow another perspective or approach to the same thing.... You, Yourself, God, Love, Truth... all are the same and mean one thing.
I also have 2 point out here that... There are Infinite Ways to the Truth-yourself-god.. I just pointed out 3 of them. And its pointless 2 fight wich one is better. All of them just are and that it
Things that are mentioned here... cannot be read and cannot be learned. The way to self is a way... where you have 2 face and recognize your lies and see them for what they are... and as you choose to hold on to them... when you see them for what they are... You Just let Go
Those lies to yourself are those that are the hardest to let go and get back... a part of you that went away with the lie when you sterted your believe that a lie is true... Those are the hardest. But when they are done... or you let them go... ther's nothing holding you back any more :) and thats Liberating Much Much More... than any thing or even any drug that you tryed in your life.
So this one may not be right for this forum... but still It is Here 4 Every One 2 See It... in Full Glory.
Much Love. EQ
I forgot 2 say... that 4 most people on this world it is sad... that they wake up in the morning and they think that they are awake... or its sad that some one reseaches the freemasons or illuminati online... and sees maybe 1% of their plan or even what they are or what they are doing... and by lurning that 2 repead like a parrot to every one else... the consider them selfs of Being Awake or even Aware.
To think that you are... Strong, Weak, Big or Small... it is just a thought... that got cought in you... and since your identification of your self your truth or believes is in the mind it manifest there as such.. and it can make you think that you are some thing... but thats just a thought... truth does not think... Truth Just Simply Is.