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Full Version: just read" Dear Newbie... You are Heading In The Wrong Direction
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Very glad I found this thread.(Dear Newbie... You are Heading In The Wrong Direction) I am 76 yr old male retired addictions counselor looking to make the very best use of the time I have left here,
Am interested in the Hypnosis , NLP, ect form and believe I have some experience that may be of use to others. Am a firm believer that continuing to learn keeps us healthy

I worked for a "not for profit" organization because it gave me the freedom to do the job RIGHT. The cost?...lets just say I'm glad My Dad was a Scot!


Would not change my choice!!!

Learning my way around is taking more time and effort that expected...But well worth it

A hear felt thank you to those who keep the form going!
A warm welcome on behalf of whole BBHF family members.
Just keep rOcKiNg!

i like your attitude! maybe you will post about your experiences and knowledge....
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