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Full Version: Looking for a partner to sell high end skin care lot
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I have a good amount of high quality skin care products I'm trying to sell all at once. I mean so high end I have moisturizer worth $1,200 but can let it go for half that, hell even more. Just want it gone at this point. I realize it most likely will have to be sold piece by piece. Tried this with someone else and because we were selling it so cheaply (50% off) the skin care company sent a notice asking where we got the product. So all the products are legit and never opened.

Anyone interested or with experience here?
Skype zeejaybay
Still looking.
i can help you here in the usa. i have lot in our town weekly market sale at our local fairgrounds. inbox me
Pm sent ty!
PM sent, looking for more info.
How much of the products and can you get more if sells well.. Pm me
Pms sent ty!
what are the products specifically so i can research them. also, where did you get them if the company was also concerned about that. also send pics. also, i would obviously like to know where you were selling before(on and/or offline and specifically where) and why you want to dump your inventory
(01-16-2018 07:36 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]what are the products specifically so i can research them. also, where did you get them if the company was also concerned about that. also send pics. also, i would obviously like to know where you were selling before(on and/or offline and specifically where) and why you want to dump your inventory

pm sent!
i got your pm and i guess will respond here. got your inventory list and pics. from your original posting when you were asking 1/2 of the retail price, i am definately not interested. the specific product you mentioned is selling for 1/5 that online. even the first item in your listed inventory is selling at 1/4 of your retail price.

suggested retail price means nothing in the resell market or even when buying real estate or a car. what matters is what it's worth to a buyer or a reseller. you don't have a big inventory list dude and from where you got this stuff according to your pm, you can easily dump it on ebay unless you are looking for a higher price than what people are willing to pay.

personally, i wouldn't pay 1/7th of the suggested retail on those cosmetics inventory. even in your inventory list, you said the total retail value of all inventory is a certain price which was wrong since you were going by the SUGGESTED retail....not retail. when i look at retail, i went to nordtroms to check prices and even at 1/4 the suggested retail, it's heavily over priced. then we go to ebay and this stuff is selling for 1/5 the suggested retail which means if someone wants to resell this stuff, they would have to get it at 1/7th of suggested retail at the very MINIMUM to make a profit which includes the time to sort and take photos and list and shipping etc...

so when you are saying you are willing to dump your inventory for 1/2 the suggested retail, that's an insult and a time waster here. in fact, this isn't even a jv. a jv is a partnership. you are actually trying to sell something but at least this is a lot more unique and interesting than some other crap floating around in this section of the forum.

anyway, my suggestion if you don't want to dump your inventory for 1/10 the suggested retail, to just get rid of it on ebay for 1/5 suggested retail piece by piece. 1/10 suggested retail is around 2k and the lot is worth around $4,000($5k if lucky and willing to spend a lot more time trying to dump it) total and profit 3/4 of that when you minus your time and other expenses as a factor.
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