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Hi to all of you. My 3 post now.

I need some help about this forum. I hope this is the right place.
I see that here is a VIP section. What does it do? Do I get access to some seo tools? Because I can't find it on the Benefits of becoming a CPAleadVIP Premium includes:

And what is all the list with

[*]SuperVIP Special Section [*]BlackHatWorld VIP[*]and so on?
please i really need a site that will be yielding me money in order to proceed my educational career.........thanks and God bless

please i really wanna share some link to all ma friends via
Hi. It's not listed on the benefits but a common sense will do.

Let me remind you that even your not VIP but still you can access some of the SEO tools here for FREE. The main benefits of VIP is be able to access some of the premium VIP content which cannot be found in public. There are lot of SEO tools inside supervip compiled into one section and at the same time some of them scattered on every subforums.
And what is the premium VIP content?

What do I get and how much is it?

kladde i guess you better understand this by checking thread created by ADMIN cause most of it was on the VIP.
then click "find all threads created"
or click this >> CLICK<<

that was just a small portion of what is VIP. :)

and regarding VIP lifetime payment.
Click what is between search and follow twitter. :)
or just click this >> SuperVIP Lifetime <<

I hope this helps. :)

I thought that If I will be a lifetime member here I will get access to the top seo softwares like some other forums that works with VPN. For example Xrumer or other great programs are included. Or did I missed something?
Not VPN you download the software. It is yours.
I spent lots of time evaluating and trying to decide where to place my money. I didn't have the money to waste.
This is where I put my money and I have MORE than got my money's worth. If you bought the stuff I have found in the VIP section it would be thousands of dollars.
Another plus is the people aren't as hateful as the last forum I was involved with.
no its not a VPS service or cracking team cracking for you

we have the best VIP shares from bvarious premium seo forums and as you know there are a lot of softwares shared in VIP forums which are cracked and working , you can get access to all of them
and its not limited to softwares , you can vouch this forum for BH methods, wso's and lots and lots of backlinks list which is updated regularly by our Mods and admin

the backlink list in the vip will alone cost over 200$ each month , 50$ for life is the best deal u will ever get for something like this
lol, I made $600 out of SuperVIP Smile
I think every BH forums has something valuable with them but not all. What you will find here is almost all invaluable SEO Tools and money making methods in Super VIP section BBHF. You can discuss some tips about IM over there and lot of other activities just go on there.
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