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This little video makes a very good and clear point IMO:

So, we try to bring 'money' into our lives for decades via struggle and miscomprehension - we are merely furthering the very control systems that we wish more freedom from ?!?
Always worth to give a try - thanks -repped
I don't personally find the video all that helpful and I'll tell you why. Most of us want to manifest more money. Yes, it's actually the things the money can buy but for most of us, those are a lot of things. So we're supposed to break our desires all down into pieces: a great place to live, a great car to drive, money in case our pets get sick, money in case our family gets sick and on and on. Manifesting the money will solve all of that. No, I don't want to be forced to break it all down into "non money" pieces. To me, that's stupid. I want to manifest the money and that's that.
Not to beat up on the OP - always appreciate different points of view.

That said,
I love all these spiritual "advisers" - who talk about how money - and sometimes, indeed, all life - is just an illusion.

Somehow, I never see them burn "illusory" $100 bills, though.

It is rather obviously not my video, I just found it and gave it some consideration and thought maybe some folks here might benefit from the ideas it presents.

Personally I have little use for most airy-faerie new agey fluff, BUT:
The video by that woman makes a good point IF one is open to consider what 'money' really is - and is not.

Of the 1000s of things folks try to use to manifest $$$, all I can say that I've seen is that such things do not ever work - but the folks who seek $$$ just end up working for it instead.

So my take on her presentation - conceptually - is that she may be onto something.

As far as manifesting things rather than $$$, I would rather succeed at getting SOME smaller stuff that is needed than to get NONE of the $$$ with which to simply buy it - if that will work, I'm all for it.
I'm glad you shared it, smithnowt as she has some good things to say in the video. I just don't adhere to the idea that I shouldn't be trying to manifest money, I should be trying to manifest other things instead. I clicked through to the video on YouTube and I found other videos of hers which were interesting too so I do appreciate you posting it here.
@ smithnowt thanks as this is actually a very important share. So listen up! +Reps.

NOTE - Contrary to how you interpret my words... I Like This Woman, A Lot, and she's doing very well for herself! IF you don't understand the reason for my writing this, AS I HAVE, then you've NEVER spent time around a woman such as Kelli. She is not only a survivor but an over-achiever as well.


I've never heard of her before seeing this post and the FIRST TRUTH I notice is:

1,000 C.ock Stare

Before even watching this I recognized her entire persona, ego, vanity, impulsive nature, etc and then a couple seconds of watching all was confirmed. I've known plenty of people, men and women, just like this. Spent time with many women just like her (the play is so easy) and I was ALSO susceptible to their manipulative ways when I was younger. How do you think I learned? Letting my dic do the thinking is all it was. LOL!

You must understand, surviving her past lessons gave her insight to human psychology. From victim of her own deep seated, lustful (Hey it's life on planet Earth) impulses (think impulse control deficiency) to marketing predator! Now she is doing well for herself marketing her sex appeal with over 86K subs and more than 12.5 million views! She has a legion of followers and YOU ALL can learn and should learn from this.

The LESSON about money from ALL of this is simply to observe her marketing savvy ways! Period and nothing else. I will not go into her alleged psychic abilities, meta-physics nor her Doctorate. Each to their own but all one EVER really needs to do is look at basic human psychology and THEN follow the money trail. PERIOD.

NO, I AM NOT SAYING SHE IS A BAD PERSON! I actually admire her!
She is either great at marketing herself or is outsourcing other people to advise her but, however you look at her success, there she is, putting money in the bank.

Underneath all that purty, is a steel trap mind!
Her looks open the doors and her mind seals the deals.
Street Cred? Hell Yes! How do you think SHE learned?

TAKE NOTE --- One of the reasons for her success is it feeds her vanity. This is real energy for her! THIS IS HER TRUE PAYCHECK and the money follows. IT AIN'T LUCK PEOPLE! That human condition of acceptance seeking, glory, power, self-aggrandizement, EGO, pride (pied piper power, narcissism, vanity, etc, etc, etc). Is she of Machiavellianism? I'd venture to say yes in some degrees.

Money comes from putting in real work towards developing skills that are used on the open market in an honest manner or some form of theft or a blend as in deception(?) of both. Luck is an end result of putting in consistently focused effort. Yes, money has an energy but it is a transference from within you. Your confidence and actions dictate this.

Kelli wants your allegiance and the MONEY, (BUYERS LOYALTY). She Gets It and you can learn a lot from her marketing ways. This is hustling at an advanced level. She knows her marks better than they know themselves and this is SO KEY FOR YOU TO LEARN!

Marketing/Advertisement 101 - RESEARCH YOUR MARKET!
- Take time to REALLY develop your avatars!
- Then they'll eat right out of your hands all day and night.
- Nurture and Take Care of Your List!!
- Kellie Coffee 101 - Know the markets needs, wants, desires better than they know themselves! Know your market so well you can predict behavioral responses.

Don't watch her. Analyze her methodology. Reverse engineer her success. You can learn so much from her methods but I won't listen to her SPIEL. Heard it all before yet I do like her. I know her without ever having met her. She's a dish and she knows it!

[Image: 0esyii9.png?1]

The Bottom Line; She knows EXACTLY what she's doing!!
Do You?

Study her marketing/sales approach then, (Do As She Does. Not What She Says!)

Below is the reality of Kelli's business approach learned from school of hard knocks:

I don't make wishes! I get s.hit done!

[Image: 0NkMfxe.jpg?1]
Thanks so much for your revealing and inspiring reply Razmataz13 !!

I too noticed some of the aspects you've mentioned.

I am not young nor purdy - nor do I seek to be rolling in dough - but still I take learning where I can find it.
(09-28-2017 04:55 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks so much for your revealing and inspiring reply Razmataz13 !!

I too noticed some of the aspects you've mentioned.

I am not young nor purdy - nor do I seek to be rolling in dough - but still I take learning where I can find it.


I don't know your level of action taking concerning internet marketing. That being said, YOU need to take some time and REALLY understand how Kelli got to where she is today.

It ain't magic, psychic channeling, some form of SECRETS From The Universe that got her to where she is today.

A classic study of success through ones endeavor and sheer focus of WILL is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Remove any and all judgement about the man, and just reverse engineer how he got to where he is. Do the same with Kelli.

He learned the art of intensely focused visualization! THIS plus his Taking of PERSONAL Action where his primary tools in life! My using the word art is important because to me it represents the uniqueness in ones approach and the mastery of understanding oneself. Art is a fluid mosaic dynamically opposed to critical judgement yet, attracting such judgement all the time. Why is this important to Arnold?

Arnold found what worked for him and his confidence soared by taking action, getting feedback, processing, learning and adapting to that. He never allowed naysayers to create obstacles in his mind. He used this negativity as fuel. His developing self-empowerment grew from taking action. He wasn't only daydreaming. He was forecasting his future events and seeing himself achieve this all the time.

Then setting new goals that continued to challenge him, forcing a point of reference throughout his mind, spirit, body thus creating a collusion (look this word up) to his external environment!

- That point of reference was WINNING!
- That collusion was CRUSHING any and all obstacles!

Kelli is a marketing predator and never forget that. NOW, she has a following that'll take any and all recommendations or pieces of advice to heart.

This is where you must try to get to with people/humans in your marketing/sales endeavors. This is why taking action requires persistence so you develop your own working methods. See, this is more than learning how to market and sell.

You must learn about yourself! Kelli and Arnold discovered this lesson long ago! Forged in the fires of human experiences! HERE is where you discover yourself!

smithnowt? Time to empty your cup, which is your mind, and take action. There is no right or wrong here so let's start with things that capture and hold your attention. Make a list of these and don't restrict yourself. Let it flow out onto the paper. NOW, find any connection or relation between your list. What first comes to mind?

Well it's YOU that connects all of this and your life experiences. Imagine all the other humans closely similar, BUT DIFFERENT (unique from their own life experiences and personalities), and begin to see how they all tie into this. Congratulations you're starting to develop avatars!

Take it a step further and G00gle every word/thing you wrote on your list. Begin to see how naturally all these branch out into the world of life. There are so many products for the market it can be overwhelming. Stay within your little realm and observe what is all around you when doing this. You should begin to see patterns, the trends of all the products humans buy and consume.

Are there any magazines, books, movies related to anything on your list? What's on social media and forums? Investigate this, take notes and see if there are any products.

Keep doing this as you're polishing a workable journey on your own mindmap. There are so many methods on this great forum to be used as blueprints.

Kelli and Arnold created their own leverage in life. Kelli, especially understands HER market and uses that knowledge as leverage! Cha-Ching all the way to the bank!

Ain't No Magic. Ain't No Secret. Simply creating momentum through action taking and following through each day and night CONSISTENTLY. It has been said to death but it holds truth..,

- The First Money Earned is Most Difficult.

Kelli and Arnold know about this ALL TOO WELL, and They Themselves, through their OWN VOLITIONAL FORCE of WILL, Became Their Greatest Ally !




The gist of practically every single one of her videos are as follows:

1. "Whoops" did I forget to wear a bra...again? Oh well, we are already filming, so lucky you, but just this once...wink wink!
2. What was the subject matter, oh that doesn't matter...just continue to WATCH me talk ;)

With 86k subscribers...she's makes over $130 for simply unboxing her "Huge Amethyst" while not...wearing...a...bra...LOL!
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