09-12-2017, 08:30 AM
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Each module will start at 9PM eastern and will be up for 24 hours.
Here’s the broadcast schedule:
Sept 12th - Module 1: First Things First
Sept 13th - Module 2: Why You Have Cancer and How to Eliminate the Causes
Sept 14th - Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1
Sept 15th - Module 4: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2
Sept 16th - Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body and Your Environment
Sept 17th - Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress and Heal Your Heart
Sept 18th - Module 7: Spiritual Healing
Sept 19th - Module 8: How Exercise and Rest Activate Healing
Sept 20th - Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas and Supplements
Sept 21st - Module 10: How to Test and Monitor Your Progress
Each module will start at 9PM eastern and will be up for 24 hours.
Here’s the broadcast schedule:
Sept 12th - Module 1: First Things First
Sept 13th - Module 2: Why You Have Cancer and How to Eliminate the Causes
Sept 14th - Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1
Sept 15th - Module 4: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2
Sept 16th - Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body and Your Environment
Sept 17th - Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress and Heal Your Heart
Sept 18th - Module 7: Spiritual Healing
Sept 19th - Module 8: How Exercise and Rest Activate Healing
Sept 20th - Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas and Supplements
Sept 21st - Module 10: How to Test and Monitor Your Progress