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Full Version: [GET] Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing
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How To Make Money On Airbnb

If you have a home and an Internet connection, you may very well be sitting on a goldmine. You could be making hundreds of dollars a night. Even just renting out a spare room could bring in well over $1000 a month!

Renting in the vacation rentals market, when done correctly, crushes the return from long-term tenants. Like hundreds of thousands of people, you can boost your rental profits by 2 to 3 times with the most well known vacation rentals marketplace in the world: Airbnb.

If you have a home or spare room that is empty (when you travel or on vacation for example) you are missing out on significant rental income!

The Most Comprehensive Airbnb Book Available:

This step-by-step guide to renting your home on the Airbnb platform teaches you in detail how to take advantage of this opportunity:
• How Jasper went from making $24,000 per year to $60,000 from his apartment in Amsterdam
• How to prepare your home like a 5-star bed and breakfast in a cost-effective manner
• How to set up a dazzling and polished Airbnb listing from start to finish
• How to communicate with guests in a professional and responsive way
• How to scientifically calculate an optimal price point for profit maximization
• How to catapult your search rank within the Airbnb platform

This looks like something worth looking into, thanks for the awesome share!
Any chance to reupload?
Hi Stilllstanding,any chance of a new link.Please?

Thanks in advance
(11-02-2018 08:57 AM)*****king of bosnia***** Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance to reupload?

here you go

StillStanding ,THANK YOU A LOT !!! You saved my life, xD ... I spent two days searching for it ...

Thanks once again :)
Update, Stillstanding thanks for the quick response and the reupload,

Much appreciated and you're the Man

Thank you StillStanding, but it looks like your new link is already gone again, repped
thanks for the share
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