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Life not being good to you? Are there a lot of hassles and stressors in your life? Are you desperate to find a way out?

Then you have to get Rafael Gurkovsky's “Bet You didn't Know It could Do That” life hack book!

Rafael Gurkovsky is a highly acclaimed author and speaker. His life’s work revolves around leadership and management. He has written and co-written numerous leadership books and he’s a regular guest speaker of several Fortune 500 corporate events. His success as a guru in leadership is rooted in the kind of past that he was brought up with. He arrived in America at the fragile age of 8 because his mother wanted them both to escape the sufferings of communist lives in Russia. With all the struggles he and his mother faced—constant moving and odd jobs—he never stopped educating himself. Now, he is a University professor of Social and Behavioral Science with a Master’s Degree in Leadership. His leadership and self-help advice will astound you. He provides insights that are both scientific and practical. As his life experience will suggest, you are sure to become a better person after finishing one of his books.

“Bet You didn't Know It could Do That” is full of life hacks that will make living a whole lot easier! It also includes more than 8 bonus self-help books!

Aside from reading about the many life tricks that can make your everyday life more than bearable, Included in this copy are some bonus reads that are helpful in making you a better person. There really is no better way to say it--you become a better person! This book will definitely help you up your game at home, at work, and everywhere else in the world.

Improve everything about you from the variety of advice that Rafael’s book offers!

There are more than 8 bonus reads in this book. You’ll find a book about leadership, self-motivation, social skills, and a lot more. So aside from making your life more doable from all the life hacks you will be learning, you become a better friend, a better team member, a better relative, A BETTER EVERYTHING.

Be the best that you can be at home and at work!

Barring any physical ailments and disabilities, stress is the major factor why you feel a ton of negativity in your home and why you are unproductive at work. The life hacks that you will learn with Rafael’s book will free you of all stress because you are able to simplify everything in your life; which, in turn, will make you think better, feel better, and perform better. Ultimately, you can be the best that you can be at everything!


Thanks for the share... Had a quick look inside and right away got a great tip.

Our building is heat controlled, with the each room having a thermometer in a locked "cage". We are not allowed to change the temperature and my boss likes it cold in the winter and warm in the summer... Saving money on providing heat and air.

In the book he mentioned, put a block of cheese on these things and for many hours, it will fool the thermometer into thinking it is cooler in the room than it really is... Simple, and smart... I like it.

Will be having a look at the entire book and specific sections inside. Over 3000 pages, so may take me a bit....

Thanks for the share!

Great find StillStanding. You come up with so many interesting shares.
(09-03-2017 12:39 PM)GordonShumway Wrote: [ -> ]Will be having a look at the entire book and specific sections inside. Over 3000 pages, so may take me a bit....

Thanks for the share!


3302 pages to be exact, the first 502 (including bonus articles) in English, then translated into several languages (from Chinese Simplified to Russian with most of the European languages represented in between)

Something for everyone!

Thank you, StillStanding, once again!
A simply AWESOME share!Perfect 10
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re-up request

(09-13-2021 08:42 PM)StillStanding Wrote: [ -> ]re-up request


Dude, may I just tell you that my respect for you is SKYHIGH!?

You always go back to your shares and provide re-up links - even after years of first post (Yes, I have gained from that):


Thanks with Reps
Email copywriters take note!
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Pages: 1 2
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