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Full Version: [GET] Dan Kennedy's Copywriting Academy
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Pages: 1 2
In keeping in line with my sharing of copywriting resources, here's one by the master himself - Dan Kennedy, whose copy has made him multi-millions of dollars.

[Image: 8xSQ5ei.jpg]

I can't guarantee it's everything but I'm sure it'll be helpful. Happydance

MEGA link for the Course

Reps appreciated! Password is the same as this forum's.
(08-30-2017 05:42 PM)markom970 Wrote: [ -> ]SALES PAGE?

Hahaha, coming up! Can't seem to connect to his sales page. Will update it when I get 2.
(08-30-2017 06:37 PM)Novelist Wrote: [ -> ]It is

Thanks Novelist for the head's up!
Thanks for the efforts teratron. But why not put copywriting courses in the copywriting section?
Thanks for the effort teratron. However the normal password isn't working for this course, what's the password for this one? thanks
(09-11-2017 05:17 PM)gilkun Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the effort teratron. However the normal password isn't working for this course, what's the password for this one? thanks

Are you sure???? I still have the RAR archives on my computer and the default password this forum allows, works!

Please try again...carefully.

teratron, thank you for sharing Dan kennedy gold...+5 rep added :)
(09-12-2017 05:27 PM)blackhatspidy Wrote: [ -> ]teratron, thank you for sharing Dan kennedy gold...+5 rep added :)

Most welcome. Thanks for repping me!

If I get more by him, in the future, will definitely share in this awesome community...
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