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Pages: 1 2
How to Turn Thoughts Into Things

Use the Law of the Harvest to Fulfill
the Desires of Your Heart

[Image: 2017-08-28_1139.png]

Brief Description From

One of the most difficult things to overcome in our lives is a scarcity mentality - that there's a limited amount of blessings in the world. In this book, you'll be delivered from this mental prison.

You'll again meet the God of abundance, not the God of scarcity. And Bo doesn't believe in luck. He believes in blessing.

Luck is based on chance. But blessing is 100 percent sure.

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Copyright 2009, 118 pp., PDF

NOTE: I provide two download links; please use one or the other --- they both will get you the same book.

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Enjoy. Mirror please.

for reading!

Good. Thank you for sharing
Thank you Layna, that should be a good read, reped
Thank you layna61524 reps added.
I love the mind stuff. This particular guide is one of the best I've seen. Max reps added,
@Each one of you: Thank you for the kind comments. I appreciate you taking the time to thank (and/or rep) me.

I've got to remember to say that because not everyone who reps always posts comments.

I love all y'all! Enjoy the share!

Yes, thank you Layna61524!

Like Nancy857 wrote, I love anything and everything to do with the mind. Max +Reps as always!
thank you for the share...
great share thank you Layna!
I know the Author personally, good book :)
Pages: 1 2
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