08-28-2017, 10:11 PM
Hi Guys,
I am sharing this little text im just kind of making up as i go along, because so many people start into the IM game, and think that all they need to do to make a million usd daily, is to build or buy a site, and them Bam!. Money roling in.
Thats just very far from the truth on so many levels.
In this text i will focus only on step 1 in the process of actually making money online.
Making sure your website is loading fast!
Maybe for many this seems easy as pie, but i can say that for many it's a huge pain in the ass.
If your site is not completely loaded within 5 seconds, your doing something wrong, or you need to focus on optimizing your content.
Every second over 5 second you lose 1% conversion.
So lets say you have a site that is loading slow, i can tell you 1 thing. You will never go to the top in Google. You will never make any real money with that site. You will never have a site that will be good for you long term.
So how after you accepted these facts..
What can you do.
Well, i had a site and it loaded in .. Are you ready !! 83 seconds average!
Still managed to get some traffic but 0% conversion. I wonder why haha
Nobody wanted to wait, and naturally moved on to the next site.
So if this is you, what can you do to get to the magic maximum 5 seconds.
On my sites i ONLY use Wordpress.
If you are happy with Shopify, fine. Shut up and go away. However Wordpress is better, faster, more customizing options and its free.
1. Minify all scripts.
Done in WP Rocket.
2. Use plugin that will convert png to jpg.
I recommend free plugin called "PNG to JPG"
3. Use cache plugin called "WP Rocket".
if you are using super fast cache plugin, w3 cache or autooptimize cache whatever.. Stop, delete and ONLY use WP Rocket.
The premium version is available here in forum.
In regards to minify, and compressing code it have all the options you need.
4. In cpanel, optimize your database on a regular basis.
5. Don't keep several backups of your site online, as it will slow your site down.
Make your site perfect, and download 1 backup of your site.
6. Don't use a free WP Theme.
There is a reason that the premium themes cost money, and there is a reason why you will never see a fast high quality site running a free theme.The reason is that when your theme cost money the developers are usually more interested in keeping it up to date, and perfecting the code = Making it faster.
7. Use Cloudflare.
Cloudflare is a free server that (to keep this very basic) will make your site load faster than usual. You can expect to see an increase in loading time of 20% approx.
8. Use a GOOD server. I can say that my site increased 30% in loading time when i moved to Siteground hosting. I recommend there business plan, as you can use pagespeed cache on that plan, and that brings me to the last item on my list.
9. Make sure your hosting allows you to use pagespeed cache, as that is by far the best thing you can do (together with WP Rocket) in regards to website speeds.
Thats it.
These steps alone sounds easy, and still so many people are not doing them.
They believe that all they need to do is make the site, and the rest happens more or less on autopilot. Possibly sound idiotic to the more experienced people, but it is sadly the truth.
In regards to my very nice site, that was loading in 83 seconds..
Now its loading in 5 seconds average.
Still not perfect, but it's a big site, with big homepage slider and so on, that is making it slow.
In regards to checking your site, you should use these sites.
Hope these little goodies will help someone on the way in the right direction,
Good luck
I am sharing this little text im just kind of making up as i go along, because so many people start into the IM game, and think that all they need to do to make a million usd daily, is to build or buy a site, and them Bam!. Money roling in.
Thats just very far from the truth on so many levels.
In this text i will focus only on step 1 in the process of actually making money online.
Making sure your website is loading fast!
Maybe for many this seems easy as pie, but i can say that for many it's a huge pain in the ass.
If your site is not completely loaded within 5 seconds, your doing something wrong, or you need to focus on optimizing your content.
Every second over 5 second you lose 1% conversion.
So lets say you have a site that is loading slow, i can tell you 1 thing. You will never go to the top in Google. You will never make any real money with that site. You will never have a site that will be good for you long term.
So how after you accepted these facts..
What can you do.
Well, i had a site and it loaded in .. Are you ready !! 83 seconds average!
Still managed to get some traffic but 0% conversion. I wonder why haha
Nobody wanted to wait, and naturally moved on to the next site.
So if this is you, what can you do to get to the magic maximum 5 seconds.
On my sites i ONLY use Wordpress.
If you are happy with Shopify, fine. Shut up and go away. However Wordpress is better, faster, more customizing options and its free.
1. Minify all scripts.
Done in WP Rocket.
2. Use plugin that will convert png to jpg.
I recommend free plugin called "PNG to JPG"
3. Use cache plugin called "WP Rocket".
if you are using super fast cache plugin, w3 cache or autooptimize cache whatever.. Stop, delete and ONLY use WP Rocket.
The premium version is available here in forum.
In regards to minify, and compressing code it have all the options you need.
4. In cpanel, optimize your database on a regular basis.
5. Don't keep several backups of your site online, as it will slow your site down.
Make your site perfect, and download 1 backup of your site.
6. Don't use a free WP Theme.
There is a reason that the premium themes cost money, and there is a reason why you will never see a fast high quality site running a free theme.The reason is that when your theme cost money the developers are usually more interested in keeping it up to date, and perfecting the code = Making it faster.
7. Use Cloudflare.
Cloudflare is a free server that (to keep this very basic) will make your site load faster than usual. You can expect to see an increase in loading time of 20% approx.
8. Use a GOOD server. I can say that my site increased 30% in loading time when i moved to Siteground hosting. I recommend there business plan, as you can use pagespeed cache on that plan, and that brings me to the last item on my list.
9. Make sure your hosting allows you to use pagespeed cache, as that is by far the best thing you can do (together with WP Rocket) in regards to website speeds.
Thats it.
These steps alone sounds easy, and still so many people are not doing them.
They believe that all they need to do is make the site, and the rest happens more or less on autopilot. Possibly sound idiotic to the more experienced people, but it is sadly the truth.
In regards to my very nice site, that was loading in 83 seconds..
Now its loading in 5 seconds average.
Still not perfect, but it's a big site, with big homepage slider and so on, that is making it slow.
In regards to checking your site, you should use these sites.
Hope these little goodies will help someone on the way in the right direction,
Good luck