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Alexandria Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop
22 CDs (162 MP3s)|1.49 GB

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Do Women Do Better Seminars Then Men? Only You Can Decide.

Listen To This Marathon Info-Product Workshop And Decide If This Lady Is Effective.

This product is not being sold as of fall 2008. It was a 3 day weekend  workshop. The binder is really more for taking notes - the 'slides' are  very cryptic, so I opted to forget them completely and concentrate on  the MP3s. Enjoy and please comment.

Ali Brown has connections to Glazer-Kennedy, and I tend to think of her  as being the softer, less of an "A"-hole Mr. "I don't care about you"  Dan. She has more respect for her clientele then he does. Some good  things in here.

Here's a slightly different take on How To Sell Info-Products Online -- as explained by the E-zine Queen herself.

Sales info located here:
Online Success Blueprint® in a Box Online Success
This is the "play at home version" of Ali’s renowned Online Success  Blueprint® Workshop that is held only once a year in Los Angeles, Calif.  Created especially for coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, and  other solo-preneurs, this one-of-a-kind, 7-step program walks you  through Ali’s entire simple system to use the Internet and information  products to skyrocket your profits AND your free time.

This program is currently SOLD OUT, but you can sign up for more  information on Ali's upcoming release of the latest version of the  Online Success Blueprint System.

Looking forward to group reaction and comment.
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Code: Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part1.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part2.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part3.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part4.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part5.rar

Code: Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part1.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part2.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part3.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part4.rar Brown E-zine Queen 3 Day Online Success Blueprint Workshop.part5.rar
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