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Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods, and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere

The most powerful system for sales success—from the author of the bestselling audiobook, The Psychology of Selling.

Strategy, tactics, and mental preparedness separate superior salespeople from the average—and with technological advances evening the competition, the selling edge is now more important than ever. Drawing on his own successful sales career and on his extensive experience as a sales consultant and seminar leader, Brian Tracy has developed the most comprehensive and effective approach to selling ever created.

Advanced Selling Strategies provides you with the techniques and tools used by top salespeople in every industry—methods that net immediate and spectacular results. This book explains how to:
* Develop the self-image to give you the edge in every sales situation
* Concentrate on the customer’s emotional factors to ensure better sales results
* Identify your customer’s most pressing concerns and position your product or service to fill those needs


Thank you so much I may give this a look.
great share, thanks SS
I have to go through this one. He is a top notch player of this industry.
Thank you StillStanding for sharing this awesome book, bro.

Here is my personal mega mirror in case someone needs it:

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Awesome Brian Tracy share!Perfect 10
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