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Full Version: [GET] GraphicRiver - Pro Dissolve Effects Photoshop Actions
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[Image: ry5HP]

Generate amazing dissolve effects automatically from your images in few clicks, great to use on people, objects, designs and titles.

The effects are randomly generated each time and are blendable between each other to get even more detail. The final shape is decided by the user simply drawing two paths before playing the action.

3 actions and 3 different styles – smoke, particles, paint
27 brushes, used automatically by the actions and usable for customization of the action output
Non-destructive, original layer is untouched
Easy to use, included a detailed guide with tips
High resolution, suitable for print and other uses
All the layers are well organized and packed in a Smart object

Project Contains

.ATN Actions file
.ABR Brushes file
.ASL Styles file
.TPL Tools file
.PSD Starting template – resolution A4 3508×2480 px @ 300dpi / 29,7×21 cm
.PDF Help file

Magic Button :

Pass the usual

Please give some reps

Stay well
Thanks, I appreciate the share. For some reason the sharing option was not so great but that's ok. Reps+
Thanks - you have awesome shares!!
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