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Weak english but I hope you will understand my language.
Master I have created a blog 7 days ago.
1. How many days after I will start making backlink. and
2. How many backlinks do i need to creae a single day.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi Anwarul
1. first of all, check your site whether it is indexed in google or not.
2. Post at least 10-20 post in the 1st month.
3. create some basic links like FB page, twitter, G+
4. you should start building link after 2-3 month,
5. for you 2nd question- as much as humanly possible. that is do not go crazy :)
after making website do focus on On page optimization and after a month you can make backlinks if you indexed your url in google webmaster. dont forget to check your alexa ranks
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