Discover The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy You Can Deploy To Attract, Retain And Ascend Customers To Bigger, High Ticket Packages… And Make More Money In A Single Weekend Than Most People Do In A Single Year
Thanks 'saintjohnny' for the terrific share of "Event Hacks".
It is unfortunate that most people on this (or any IM forum for that matter) will never understand the true value of this material.
It's truly "the Holy Grail" of information marketing.
Having high-level workshops and face-to-face meetings and seminars for your tribe is where the magic happens.
Self-help is a $15 - 20 billion dollar industry. Regardless of income, people max out credit cards for self-help books, videos, seminars and workshops hoping it'll improve the condition of their lives.
In 2011, self-help audio books grossed nearly $3 billion in the U.S. This doesn't include worldwide revenue generated from printed books, personal coaching, seminars, webinars, retreats and other products and services.
The "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book writer, Jack Canfield, is worth more than $25 Million. Secret:workshops and private coaching
Well-known author of "Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement" - Tony Robbins - is worth more than $480 Million. Secret:workshops and private coaching
Like me, you may never want to be as recognized as these famous guys, probably content with a few million and the time to travel without any financial worries with more money available on demand....
If so, my suggestion is to set up some workshops according to the methods that Kennedy and friends have been using successfully for 30 years. It isn't hard, and it can be fun meeting the people who find your material so captivating.
Due to being the lucky people on BBHF you get Event Hacks on very good terms.
Download it today! Again, thanks to 'saintjohnny'. You ROCK!
Have a good eclipse tomorrow. I'll get about 10 seconds of "total" eclipse due to my Oregon location on a back deck with friends and some 25 year Ardbeg. Enough for me.