08-16-2017, 06:18 AM
The 3-Minute Difference
Alter Your Health, Money, and Relationships
Without Changing Who You Are
Without Changing Who You Are
Excerpted from the Introduction:
I want you to let your mind indulge in a little bit of fantasy for a moment.
Imagine yourself in a very successful career. You’re making quite a bit of money—well into six figures.
You’ve got a gorgeous 6,000-square-foot home with a fancy pool and a waterfall in the backyard. Parked in your three-car garage is an imposing Mercedes-Benz sedan. On your wrist is an enormous Rolex watch, the one with all the diamonds on it that dazzles everyone who sees it. Sound like a life you’d care to have?
It did to me. It’s the American Dream, after all. And in 1984, I had that dream and more. I was the kid from the poor side of the tracks who had raised himself up by his bootstraps, got a good education, went to the big city, worked hard, and eventually met with success.
And you know what? There’s not a thing wrong with that.
If that picture is similar to a dream you’ve always had, or a dream you’ve actually attained, I say, “Great! Don’t give up on that dream. Keep that dream alive.”
Copyright , 338 pp., PDF
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