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if you, or your business, or your website, etc, has a large following, you need to be using instagram which will allow you to instantly communicate with your followers. even if you have nothing to sell, you can always let them know your site has new content or your store/business has new specials, etc

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Instagram Marketing That Sells: The Secrets They Don't Want You To Know (IMTS Book 1) Kindle Edition

written by Jose G. Lopez

Publication Date: May 12, 2017

“I’ve read tons of Instagram marketing ebooks and they don’t have this genuine content.“ - Peter Aguilera

Did you know, Instagram is twice as big as Twitter, and as big as all the major social media platforms, combined? Or that a revolutionary feature is coming that will make you two clicks away from a sale? Probably not, because this is the only book that tells you the secrets marketing gurus don’t want you to know.
My mission is not upselling you on some thousand dollar marketing webinar, or some “get rich now!” scheme. My mission is to spread the word on the secrets brands, and companies, don’t want you to know; because something huge is coming.

Are you prepared?

oops, that is all he wrote in the description. plus he claims instagram is as big as all the major social media platforms combined? nope, far from it actually. facebook has 1.94 billion monthly users, instagram only has 700 million monthly users, so indeed, this fool is a liar or does not know what he is talking about. also claiming some 'revolutionary' new feature is coming, not that old lie again. like the features already available on some of the other major social media platforms? again, instagram will only work for you if you already have a large following. do not let anyone else tell you otherwise.

i will not be reading this book because of the short description and the false claims made there. but who knows? this book may still help someone. if you are lucky, someone will add a review below, please give them some +rep if they do.

get it here:
fyi: any request to share this ebook in another format will be ignored. any request for any kindle book in another format will be ignored, 2017 is almost over and if you cannot figure out how to use the kindle app, which comes pre-installed on most devices and computers, etc... then there is no hope for you. yes, even some new big screen tv's, known as smart tv's have the kindle app. pre-installed. learn how to use it already! Mad Slap

if you want me to share more good stuff,
than you need need to add more +rep below
the more you read, the more you know
the more you know, the more you grow

Thank you JOEMLM.

I always enjoy your shares even if your thoughts on this guy aren't positive, ha ha!

+Reps to you
FYI: this one is free againHappydance
It is not allowed to have in my country, could someone create a mirror please. Max reps given..

Best Cool
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