I really need your help. I have a wordpress blog. I have a PLR package that contains salespage in HTML. How can I use that PLR salespage with my wordpress blog.
I did google "how to put html files online" but still very confused. Hope you can give me some detailed resource to follow.
Thank you very much!
(08-11-2017 11:30 PM)kiranote Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I really need your help. I have a wordpress blog. I have a PLR package that contains salespage in HTML. How can I use that PLR salespage with my wordpress blog.
I did google "how to put html files online" but still very confused. Hope you can give me some detailed resource to follow.
Thank you very much!
You can create a 'sub folder' and upload the HTML files to that folder. example; http;//yourblog.com = your blog , http;//yourblog.com/plr is your HTML salespage. So you need to create a folder named 'plr' Now you can make links from your blog to that 'sub folder'
Good Luck
kiranote, if you are using default WP theme, you can copy the PLR salespage HTML code and paste it into the text editor (Text tab which supports HTML).
PS: Please note that you have to manually upload the salespage images
Refer to @hop suggestion, it didn't work at my side. The reason is that my WP installation will modify .htaccess file to block unrelated folders. You may try at your side, but if it didn't work, it's probably blocked by .htaccess too. Then you have to try my method.
Hope this help :-)