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Full Version: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube ENGAGEMENT GROUP/WEBSITE (**UPDATED**)
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Those who are into Social Media Marketing/Growth or run Social Media accounts know how important REAL user engagement is to help you grow organically. is the next Generation of Social Media Engagement Groups. The sites Operates on the same base principles of traditional Engagement Groups with many key differences. The site is specifically designed for Engagement Groups and Fully Automated.

Once users register, ( They will be presented a list of Active Campaigns as shown in the Image below:

[Image: active_campaigns.png]

  • Displays Username of user who submitted Campaign
  • Social Icon for which the Campaign is for
  • Number of Received Likes/Comments Vs. Needed Likes/Comments

Clicking "View" beside each Active Campaign will present you simple instructions to Complete that Campaign as shown in the Image below:

[Image: complete_campaign.png]

  • Follow the steps to Complete the Campaign
  • Report Inappropriate Campaign for Moderators to review

To submit your own Campaign, Click Create Campaign in the Sidebar and fill in the required fields.

[Image: create_campaign.png]

  • Select the Social Platform you want to submit Campaign for
  • Specify a name for the Campaign
  • Copy/Paste URL of the Post
  • Select the number Likes/Comments/Views you want
  • Include any special instructions for other users to follow

Clicking Submit Campaign will display your Campaign to other users to complete in Active Campaigns Tab.

The Rank of your Campaigns is determined by the number of Likes/Comments/Views you select; The more you select, the lower your Campaign will be Ranked.

All Campaigns are deleted once they reach required Likes/Comments/Views or after 24 hours automatically.

Users can also see each other's profiles and see how many Campaigns they have submitted and Completed as shown in the Image below:

[Image: user_profile.png]

The System Automatically Bans Leechers and Inactive users and rewards contributing users with higher Daily Campaign Limit.

In addition, Users are forced to Complete a few Campaigns before they Submit their own, that number also depends on how much a user contributes.


We also have a dedicated Telegram Support Group, Where you can ask questions and get help: TELEGRAM SUPPORT GROUP - JOIN LINK

thanks mate already register waiting activation :)
Rep +
I registered waiting for activation. Thank you.
waiting for activation pro
Very good idea there! Perfect 10

Hey social media guys! Let's grow together here. Happydance

Waiting for the launch day. Happydance
Already register, waiting for activation... rep added
Thanks guys, really appreciate your support.
Activation emails will be sent in a few days :D
Hey Guys!

We're launching in a few days, most of you will be getting early access. Please keep an eye out for the activation email today or tomorrow.
hi waiting to activate thx max rep
Waiting for the activation
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