Just some info...sort of a review if you will:
Contrary to my best financial interests and thoughts, I went for that GB.
It promised support from the original provider (Jet, or Amin ??) which proved to be impossible as he found the GB and shut that option down.
It was also supposed to come with all the needed documents - but according to the GB's OP, they were infested with viruses, so that also fell through.
Worst of all - any/all 'support' for this is via a private skype group (private + skype = a REAL oxymoron !!) and most of the time skype fails to open for me - and when it does, there's a bajillion useless entries there and very little else that can be found.
All in all as a GB participant I can only say that I am NOT impressed, unlikely to bother with what info as it came with, and have been strongly reminded to work at avoiding both GBs and BSOs as most seem to be a very poor fit for an old guy like me who is just trying to get started making a little $.
Most interestingly...after closing and re-opening, the GB for this has vanished from here altogether.
It is not even listed in the threads by G3N!US anymore.
Makes me wonder what may have gone on in the skype 'group' and whether or not it went completely dead too after the letdown it turned out to be ???