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Full Version: [REQ] NextPost Extended 3.0
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Hello, a while ago i downloaded from here nextpost exteded licence 2.0 and i liked it. I was gonna bay it but only when the auto follow / auto unfollow was added but now the prices are super high.

From 99$ its 250$ now.

Please the one who shared it before if you can please share the new update would be awesome.

I can share midrub if anybody is interested but it has licence verification so i guess not all can use it.

I have not found anything yet, this new version is quite complete!
Same here. Downloaded version 2.0 from this awesome forum. Now 3.0 is out. I saved the thread link before but its gone now. I hope he can share the new version sooner or later. Bump for this v3.0!
bump 3.2 is out now
Does anyone have the recent version?
no one is sharing the new version =(
This is really good! Please be so kind and share. Thanks
Ahh the new 3.0 version is out! and have you guys seen the module add ons?!? The whole suite is almost $100 - but seems very promising!!

Anyone have all 3?!
no extended is 250$ the script + 32$ for moduls = 282$ A LOT OF MONEY
You need to wait for good scripts like this, the people who bought them obviously don't want those sites flooded over the net or its a waste of time to buy. Why it takes long for them to leak.
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