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Full Version: [GET] Stealth Seduction Handbook
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50 page handbook that goes over the daygame, texting and dating models , plus all the key tools and techniques that you can see in this guide.!Q1g2RBIQ!3CCrzyq4SKrHC...77ItV95wWw
Link down can't access it
Hey man, first of all thanks, but could you do a reup, the links is down again.
Thanks Link is working
Thanks man
If anyone can access this guy's live infield demo footage that he keeps referring to -- that would be nice. Some of the guy's comments and theory are genuinely unique and intriguing, and the dude's definitely borderline truly fugly -- if not genuinely fugly. All of that together really makes me want to see this guy in action.
Nice share does anyone have the videos??
Thanks man repped.
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