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After living with penis size anxiety for most of his 50 years author, Ant Smith, decided we needed an honest self-help book on the subject. Something to turn up in search results other than the endless (and expensive) so called 'enlargement guides'.

After organising London's first ever Big Small Penis Party and giving countless interviews on what it's like living with a little willy, Ant has plenty to say on the matter! You will read the only methods for penis enlargement in this book. But more importantly you will read how to overcome the anxiety itself - because without managing that, no size is ever going to lead to peace.

THIS IS A REALLY TOUGH SUBJECT so there is plenty of humour, candour and real-life stories in these pages.

If you are suffering yourself, or if you are body-positive, or if you are just curious THIS is a must read.


The Small Penis Bible

Cover Page:


IF YOU CAN’T BEAT THEM… After living with p*e*n*i*s size anxiety for most of his 50 years author, Ant Smith, decided we needed an honest self-help book on the subject. Something to turn up in search results other than the endless (and expensive) so called ‘enlargement guides’.

After organising London’s first ever Big Small P*e*n*i*s Party and giving countless interviews on what it’s like living with a little willy, Ant has plenty to say on the matter! You will read the only methods for p*e*n*i*s enlargement in this book. But more importantly you will read how to overcome the anxiety itself – because without managing that, no size is ever going to lead to peace.

THIS IS A REALLY TOUGH SUBJECT so there is plenty of humour, candour and real-life stories in these pages. If you are suffering yourself, or if you are body-positive, or if you are just curious THIS is a must read.

Print Length: 156 pages
Publisher: (January 11, 2017)
Publication Date: January 11, 2017
Language: English
i feel personally attacked
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