Learn How to Code from Scratch and the Basics of Software Development in this Intro C# Programming Course for Beginners
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Learn How to Code from Scratch and the Basics of Software Development in this Intro C# Programming Course for Beginners
4.7 (132 ratings)
5,630 students enrolled
Created by David Nixon
Last updated 8/2017
Excellent course, super highly rated 4.7 in 132 ratings, wow! Also with CC subtitles (not generated but real subtitles), a nice feature, that all courses should have!
Very professional developer and practical teacher, in a high quality presentation even with nice music too! Highly recommended indeed by a angel developer too! ;)
Many thanks and full reps to you, leejiacheng1 bro! And also thanks to SteB81!
Dont's know where is the Big Black Cat (Steb81) actually going ?
Miss this Huge Contributor of this fourm.
If he has a better prospect in other area, we will bless him with full of respect, love and warm regards...
Also thanks for your concern about SteB81, leejiacheng1 bro!
We hope that our brother and friend SteB81 is well, in his health, family and personal projects too! We look forward to his return, and that he knows that we appreciate him very much in our community! Our best wishes and prayers for him!
Does anyone know what actually happened to him? (SteB81)
I don't believe that he's banned or anything, but I did fear that might have been a possibility after the rep abuse ordeal. I don't think he was doing it intentionally, he was as generous with his reps as he was with his shares. A warning would have been preferable.
On the other hand, the person who was the biggest offender in that situation hasn't changed, and I'd be pretty upset if we lost a huge contributor over a leech who only begs for coupons and gained nearly all of their rep by just saying thanks.
You're right i_Love_Knowledge bro, I think like you. Hopefully all things here get ahead, wisely! ;)
Because although it is important that we all comply with the rules and limits, there should always be exceptions, and above all prudence when it comes to "correct" or better: "give respectful warnings" to our greatest sharers and leaders; because without them, this section and community would not exist, or It wouldn't be the same!
This is one of the reason which I was worrying about.
I'd rather think he has found his a new better way to survive for his future after contributed so much towards this forum.
I'd like to see him back.
If this is the case, I think it's completely unfair to ban someone who was just trying to contribute and be generous, but leave the one who has already been warned multiple times and continues to ignore the previous warnings.
It's really hard not to wish someone like that much success with whatever they're doing. I have no doubt that if he was banned, then he's somewhere else doing something big.
Yes! If someone here knew the recent news about SteB81, please do let us know and at least we still know he is working fine there.