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Full Version: [GET] 5 Days To 12K With A Small List (Real Case Study)
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Zippyshare Download:



We just bought a cool case study (LOVE case studies) from a well respected guy named David Perdew - and it's about how he turned a very small list into a 5-day, 12K success being an affiliate for someone else's product.

This is an INCREDIBLE read!

One of the best case studies ever because he shows you his method of evaluation thought process through every stage of the launch as an affiliate.

The product he promoted was Converzly but this will work in any niche.


Perfect 10

The SHOW Team
Let me be the first to say thanks

max rep added for share and zippy mirror

cheers for the share
Thanks for the case study!
definitely looks nice.
Do you have the OTO with the checklists?
(08-05-2017 04:51 PM)jadeeast Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have the OTO with the checklists?

Sorry...we did not get the OTO.

However, it would be great if you can get it and share it here on the forum.
Thanks and Repped
Thanks for the share - Max Reps :-)
thanks, reps added
Pages: 1 2
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