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Wow... amazing... thanks so much
Thank u!!!!
Yes, thanks for heads up and reputation plus'd. ;-]
Nice share! +REP for this
total scam product lke info profit academy their last launch which had 20% refund rate
(08-05-2017 02:40 AM)Johny321 Wrote: [ -> ]total scam product lke info profit academy their last launch which had 20% refund rate

just in my opinion, would be more helpful if you said what was wrong with it.Thanks
(08-05-2017 02:40 AM)Johny321 Wrote: [ -> ]total scam product lke info profit academy their last launch which had 20% refund rate
Any way you can clarify which part(s) of this are a scam?

This is a helluva lot of material to go through if its all worthless.

The one thing I would say is that the Amazon affiliate model is
dying a slow, painful death. Amazon has already lowered rates,
and are pushing affiliates out daily.

There are far better ways to monetize than Amazon affiliate program,
for a number of reasons, up to and including the most important:
Everyone already knows about Amazon.
Just went through this and it's about creating Amazon sites and ranking them via SEO techniques. I'm anything but an SEO expert so I can't comment if the methods they talk about have merit or not.

This sure has a lot of content though. Whew!

I will agree with blackhatbill that Amazon is a pain in the butt. They have so many rules and restrictions and for very little commission. It's like you're doing all this work (and this is A LOT of work!) for pennies. Then you add Google to this mix and it's only a matter of time they change their algorithm.

It's amazing anyone is actually profiting with this model.
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