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Full Version: [REQ] Tornado Method by Simple Spencer
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Bump for this
Bump! I can't open the sales page tho
Here's a cache version of the salesletter cutepanda

Reps to OP.
It's already sold out. This guy's offers never last more than a few hours..
bump for this, too...just in case we can get it

And reps to ALB for a good OP (which is par for the course for that guy ;-) )
Found this:

Magic Button :

Looks like affiliate sales. Haven't gone through the videos yet.
I did a search in my emails and found this product was also offered by Spencer back in July of this year, so hoping maybe someone may have bought it back then.

If not here's the current link which they reopened for just a few sales and is almost sold out again

Awesome. Thanks! Repped.

(10-21-2017 06:24 AM)cm2000 Wrote: [ -> ]Found this:

Magic Button :

Looks like affiliate sales. Haven't gone through the videos yet.
Thanks cm2000 and +Reps! PMed ALB too.
Thanks for the heads up on this AbeLinconBart...and to cm2000 for the link.

Okay, here's my opinion of this guy: What a Tosser! No really.

I just watched the videos of this Tornado Method that cm2000 shared...and it is pretty much exactly identical to the product I bought from him back in May....and I mean identical.

He even had the same cough, and mentioned a frog in his throat at the same place....and he does it in the Tornado Method vid too!!! Spooky that huh?

He called it The MotherLoad Method.
It was the whole, 'low numbers available before closing, then he closes it, then opens it for a few more who couldn't get in', type thing. You know the deal.

Anyway, I follow the methods exactly...get zero sales in the first couple of days and ask a question on his support email but he's not answering. So I start looking elsewhere. Yeah, yeah...I know! Shiny object etc.

Then, two weeks later, I get another email from SS promoting 'The MotherShip Method'. Apparently one of his students put a brand new twist on his Motherload Method and improved it and was getting great results...only a few spots open - and reduced for buyers of his Mothership method.

Hoping to resurect the work I had already done, I fell for it. It was almost the same course again - just with a different traffic 'secret' - Facebook Group commenting - added in at the end!!

I emailed him but got no reply again, so decided to forget about him and move on. A few days later he's offering me the 100K Secret Weapon. I don't think so sonny. Not when you won't answer your buyers requests for support.

And now, having watched three of the Tornado Method videos...once again they are exactly the same videos as the two products that I bought back then (right down to the friggin frog in the throat).

There's rehashing and there's rehashing. We're used to it. But this guy is just carbon copying his template courses over and over again. Like I said; What a Tosser!

Oh! And did you notice that in Video 1....the 'picking W+ products to promote' part - when he had several tabs open of possible vendors products to request links for??

He actually decides against promoting the very guy who's pic is at the top of his members page - a co-creator of this product!!

He closes out the tab for 'Tom E' as it doesn't meet the standards to promote, saying "it doesn't convert that well", and it's the same guy and same picture that is just 4 inches above the video. (this products creators - Tom, Spencer and Bobby) Check it out on video one, at 13:42.

Not impressed by Simple Spencer - and what an idiotic name to choose to go by anyway!

See for yourself: The MotherLoad Method:

Magic Button :
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