08-05-2017, 07:37 AM
When it comes to healthy eating, we could all stand to mix it up a little bit, eat a little more of everything but not too much of anything, and ultimately fuss a little less about what we eat. This is why we've compiled a list of 100 healthy foods that are astonishingly nutritious without being especially exotic. These are the kinds of fruits, vegetables, and grains you can find in your local supermarket that are pleasurable without being overly trendy or expensive.
Time 100 Healthiest Foods and How to Eat Them provides a beautifully photographed list of nutritious, whole foods you can easily add into your diet. For each food, we offer a description of how to eat it, an explanation of why it's good for you, and an easy-to-glance nutrition box giving you the top health-highlights of the food. (For example, did you know blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries have relatively low sugar content? Or that the yolk of the egg is the healthiest part? Or that people who eat spicy food at least three times a week have a 14% reduced risk of death?) Our list of “10 Superfoods You've Never Heard of” and guide to “How to Keep Food Fresher Longer” will keep your fridge stocked with a plethora of fresh and varied foods. Finally, we include recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and sides that incorporate our 100 healthiest foods of all time into everyday meals.