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Full Version: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Ultimate Marketing Plan
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In reading some of his stuff I decided to look around for other titles by him and ran across this one.

As with the one I posted before, I searched every which way I could think of for this here on the forum and didn't find it, so I'm sharing it here.
If it is already shared - my apologies for reposting it and if there is a newer version perhaps someone will also share that ??

It is this, from 2006:
"The Ultimate Marketing Plan: Find Your Hook. Communicate Your Message. Make Your Mark"
ISBN: 1593374968, 240 pages, PDF.

There may be a newer one but I didn't find any myself.

Here is UltMarketing.pdf (11.5 MB):
Magic Button :
(Standard PW per forum protocol, of course.)

Enjoy !!

Thank you for sharing. +reps.

wrong section
Thanks for the share

Thanks for the share. Already had this one, but good for the community.

Here is a direct link to the ZippySHare file:


Glad to see that folks are enjoying this !!
Thanks for the comments and thanks Folks.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the share

Add +rep
thx for your Dan kennedy searches or should I say finds...

going to OP and GordonShumway! rep'd
(07-28-2017 07:34 AM)GordonShumway Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share. Already had this one, but good for the community.

Here is a direct link to the ZippySHare file:




Thanks as always.
Pages: 1 2
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