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Full Version: [GET] Can It and Ferment It: More Than 75 Satisfying Small-Batch Canning and Fermentation Recipes for the Whole Year
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Welcome to the world of produce preservation. In Can It and Ferment It, blogger and preservation enthusiast Stephanie Thurow brings the canning and fermenting communities together by offering recipes that work for both canning and fermenting. From a first-timer to the advanced preservationist, Can It and Ferment It shows canners and fermenters alike how they can have the best of both worlds.

Stephanie explains the differences between the canning and fermentation processes, emphasizes the importance of using local and organic produce, describes canning and fermenting terminology and the supplies needed for both methods, and offers more than seventy-five fun and easy recipes for every season. Readers will learn how to preserve each fruit or vegetable in two different ways; each can be enjoyed water bath–canned or as a healthy, probiotic-rich ferment.

Recipes in this helpful guide include strawberry chutney, the perfect garlic dill pickle, spring onion kimchi, cinnamon-honey apple butter, and more!

Thanks so much for all your priceless shares, StillStanding!!!

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The wide variety of your shares are truly amazing. You posted another winner here, thanks for the share.
reup request

Thanks for the share AND posting a new link, reps given for your effort.
Super healthy share SS, thanks for posting! Reps sent.
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