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Here you go Guys.

You better hurry it wont take long before he changes this

I'm going to give you an half hour before I loose my account.

I warned yous I left here for over an hour for only 5 reps, I have
the feeling People weren't coming back.
Super Share thank you
(07-27-2017 06:15 AM)LookingForward Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go Guys.

You better hurry it wont take long before he changes this

I'm going to give you an half hour before I loose my account.

I warned yous I left here for over an hour for only 5 reps, I have
the feeling People weren't coming back.

Just got home and saw the reply above with amazement.
Credentials for the online tools from this nasty rehasher were actually shared in that blank space ?!?
Wow. Just, wow.

Looking at the seller's SP one can see these claims:
Quote:Create an INSTANT eCommerce/Affiliate review site with content using our Zen WordPress theme. Rapid install, instant monetization, plus FREE Google Traffic
A bit too good to be true ??
I suspect so.

Also - the following is a straight-up, outright lie made to all his paying customers:
Quote:What's support like?
I'm always on-hand to answer any questions you have, about the easy-to-use software, or my complete training!
I know because I bought from this shyster ONCE, and he does NOT answer support questions - all emails get form replies.

Lastly, I would carefully examine any/all code made by his online 'softwares' BEFORE using it as there's bound to be something sneaky in there like links that either pay him or steal customers or something...
(Just my 2 cents on this source of 'software' is all.)
All of his titan software has an unsecured directory, that is why a search on google will show it.
Again, I suspect it is deliberately done, to spread whatever malware or preview software we can get our hands on. Tried the one click sketch maker, rapid video maker, and this, I'm excited at first to see that the software doesn't require a validation, (oh! yeah) but sad to see they are all duds of the original versions (cmon!)
Guys regarding ZEN Affiliate Builder - just enter your email, you will receive an email with a link which will bring you to a page where you need to enter your own password:D It works !!!!
(07-28-2017 08:28 AM)emerald Wrote: [ -> ]Guys regarding ZEN Affiliate Builder - just enter your email, you will receive an email with a link which will bring you to a page where you need to enter your own password:D It works !!!!

Where to enter my email tho? It asked me for password
Ok when you are on the page click on "forgot password" Cheers!
(07-28-2017 04:29 PM)emerald Wrote: [ -> ]Ok when you are on the page click on "forgot password" Cheers!

use this enter my email ,says this email is not in my database
sorry guys I was lucky then because I received an email with a link where I could process my password.
Repped for the share
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