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Full Version: Amazon AWS Accounts for sale - All Regions, 5/10/20 Limit
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(07-24-2017 08:40 PM)AliKashif7 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm in for the review copy if any available. Thanks and Good Luck.

I think you missed reading my post that all review copies were gone?

All REVIEW Copies are gone for anyone else!!

The account was delivered very quickly to my inbox(review copy)
OP gives you all vital things to help you get access to your account asap.
1. AWS Account[User:Pass]
2. Recovery Email[User:Pass]
3. Instructions to login
If you are not aware about what all you can do with an amazon aws account, You can read all features here.

The account is satisfying and works perfectly. The prices are really good and I going going to buy another one as soon as this one runs out.

Highly recommended to anyone looking to host vps/website or anything else. Amazon aws is a great resource.

Good luck with sales @nanohits Happydance

[duplicate,thought review should be included in first few posts]
20 Limit Amazon AWS accounts now in stock. These are not easy to come by. Only have 1 now but will have another one in an hour.
Hai, I am interested in buying it. I want to know its time period? How many time it works EC2 instance or their expiry date. Thanks
(07-25-2017 05:09 PM)shahidirfan Wrote: [ -> ]Hai, I am interested in buying it. I want to know its time period? How many time it works EC2 instance or their expiry date. Thanks

Its a one year account. You can use the VPS for 1 year safely. As for instances you can click on the limits and check.
Fresh stocks of 5 and 10 limits plus 20 limits now in stock. Instant delivery.
How many instance i can create on CA region in 5/10/20 instance limit ?
(07-28-2017 08:06 AM)VeLoZ Wrote: [ -> ]How many instance i can create on CA region in 5/10/20 instance limit ?

Its up to the limits on those regions of 5 and 10.
Take 20% off on AWS accounts. Use 20offaws to take advantage of the discount. Have stocks of 10 and 5 limits.
(07-24-2017 05:44 PM)maxbountyson Wrote: [ -> ]If you looking for no fluff aws seller, this is just the best offer you should go for.... tested with 5limit and lo and behold it was an awesome experience. thanks and looking forward to do more business with you

Ha, ha, ha 2 posts ever and both here.
Is this a ghost account ?
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